We have been taking care of my dad's garden while he and my mom are road-tripping out to Colorado and back. It's been a lot of fun picking the various veggies as they get ripe. Each day, Dax and I check the green beans and pick any that are ripe. So far we've had 2 :) They have been a great teething toy for Dax, they're hard enough on the outside that he can gnaw away, and then if the seeds on the inside pop out, he can mash them between his gums.

Here's the tomato plants, not quite ready to be picked - maybe by this weekend

The zucchini that is almost ripe - we've already eaten a few of them, yum!

And here's my little man eating the green bean...he loved it!
So fun! We're just dying for our tomato plants to be ripe here, too!