Meet the Robinsons
Monday, November 1, 2010
Cloth Diapers Revisited
As you know by now, I love me some cloth diapers. On a personal note, 5 years ago I never ever thought I would utter the words "love" and "cloth diapers" in the same sentence, let alone actually use them!! We ran into some leaks along the way (get it, leaks haha!), especially at night time. My beloved Bum Genius diapers had failed me, and off down the disposable road we went. I was given a few suggestions for some night time ones to try and I finally made a decision to go with Sloomb Sustainable Babyish Cloth Fitted (aren't they pretty?) with a wool cover. We are 2/2 in staying dry at night and I have fallen in love. My only regret - that I didn't find these sooner! So, I found a giveaway for another fitted diaper, I'm hoping to win and get the mocha one this time! Check out 29 Diapers for the giveaway, and also for tons of information on cloth diapering, saving money with babies, and all sorts of other fun things! Pictures of Dax in his new undies will be coming soon...
Monday, October 25, 2010
When I was pregnant, I joined a message board with other women who were pregnant and due in October 2009. We all grew pretty close, and now that our babies are here we continue to talk. We share our lives with each other - some of the women on that board are the closest friends I have. One of the ladies on my board had a 2 year old daughter fighting leukemia. I read the blog that she kept, staying up to date on her daughter's progress. Sometimes it seemed like she was winning, other times it seemed like leukemia was winning. I found out that her daughter passed away Saturday evening and is now in heaven. My heart is so heavy and aches for them. To lose a baby at 2 years old, I can't even fathom the pain they are going through and the emptiness they are feeling in their family. Life is short, two years seems so unfair, but I find peace in knowing that the sweet little girl is no longer in pain, and is up in heaven with her Father up above.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Girly Burp Rags
My friend Ashley is due in a couple of weeks, expecting a baby girl - Anna Elizabeth. She picked up some super cute fabric on clearance and asked me to make her some burp rags for baby Anna.
I decided to do a cute zig-zag stitch around the edge to finish them off:

They are all set for Anna to start using :)
I decided to do a cute zig-zag stitch around the edge to finish them off:

They are all set for Anna to start using :)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
All I want for Christmas...
or I should say, all Dax wants for Christmas are his 2 front teeth! The bottom 2 are taking their sweet time coming in, with no sign of any others at this point. You can barely see the second tooth coming in, it's the one on the left when you look at the picture - it started coming through Saturday morning.

Yes, that is pumpkin on his face, I've been mixing it in with his oatmeal in the mornings for breakfast and he loves it! He loves his new teeth, he's constantly moving his tongue over them to feel them out, and his new favorite thing to do is feel our teeth. This sends both him and us into peals of laughter.

Yes, that is pumpkin on his face, I've been mixing it in with his oatmeal in the mornings for breakfast and he loves it! He loves his new teeth, he's constantly moving his tongue over them to feel them out, and his new favorite thing to do is feel our teeth. This sends both him and us into peals of laughter.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Dax's First Birthday Party
We went with a Halloween themed party this year, and it was a success! I was pretty stressed out about getting everything done, and I wish I had made and/or bought a few more decorations, but this was truly the first birthday party I have ever thrown, and it was a pretty big learning experience for me :) I am also proud to announce that I did not have a breakdown until after Dax went to bed last night, I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that my baby will be 1 on Monday.
The cake is not what I had originally attempted to do, but it was the next best option when we didn't have a cake the day of the party :)

I also made up some cupcakes that were inspired by my friend Joanne, who made some Candy Corn Cupcakes (for what it's worth, I used a cream cheese frosting, which I probably wouldn't do again if I wanted to pipe frosting on, it doesn't hold it's shape very well once the frosting gets room temperature):

We also had some homemade pumpkin cheesecake bars with oreo crusts, and little ghosts on top (these are so delicious, i had one for breakfast!):

The table setup:

The decorations:

And the birthday boy himself with his first piece of cake!

It was everywhere :)

And here he is with his present from mama and daddy:
The cake is not what I had originally attempted to do, but it was the next best option when we didn't have a cake the day of the party :)

I also made up some cupcakes that were inspired by my friend Joanne, who made some Candy Corn Cupcakes (for what it's worth, I used a cream cheese frosting, which I probably wouldn't do again if I wanted to pipe frosting on, it doesn't hold it's shape very well once the frosting gets room temperature):

We also had some homemade pumpkin cheesecake bars with oreo crusts, and little ghosts on top (these are so delicious, i had one for breakfast!):

The table setup:

The decorations:

And the birthday boy himself with his first piece of cake!

It was everywhere :)

And here he is with his present from mama and daddy:

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Delux Tag Blankets - Baby Crafting Part 2
I believe I have caught the crafting bug from my friend Joanne, over at Ready, Set, Craft! Today, I tackled some tag blankets. I just did mini ones, the first one was a 10"x10", and the other one was 8"x8". The fabric I picked up is so fun - it's textured, but really really soft as well, perfect to attach to a carseat, stroller, or use for a lovie :)
Here's the 8" one:

Here's the 10" one:
Here's the 8" one:

Here's the 10" one:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Baby Presents - Getting Crafty Again!
I am on a homemade gift kick! One of my good friends had a baby on Sunday (the coolest birthday ever - 10.10.10), she and her husband kept the gender a surprise until their baby was born. I personally don't think I could do that, it would drive me nuts!! They had a boy, and they didn't have much boy stuff since their first was a girl. I've been making a few different "boy" things to send them instead of the traditional gift of clothes. This might end up being a series of 3 post, because I have 3 different things I am making her.
Today, I attempted some burps cloths. The key - having really really cute fabric :) I didn't have a pattern, but I did hold up one of our burp rags to the fabric for a rough idea of how long and wide the cloth should be. My favorite fabric is the one with the dinosaurs....I just might need to make Dax a blanket or pillow case out of it!!

Today, I attempted some burps cloths. The key - having really really cute fabric :) I didn't have a pattern, but I did hold up one of our burp rags to the fabric for a rough idea of how long and wide the cloth should be. My favorite fabric is the one with the dinosaurs....I just might need to make Dax a blanket or pillow case out of it!!

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